
Choosing the Ideal Frog Companion

We’re turning the spotlight on one of our less common pet patients for this blog. Frogs are today’s topic! Although frogs may not be stealing the limelight, they have definitely captured our attention. We are thrilled to provide an opportunity for our adorable amphibious companions to showcase their talents. Keep reading as a local St. Cloud, MN veterinarian explores the captivating world of pet frogs.

Do Frogs Make Good Pets?

That’s ultimately a matter of personal preference. It depends on what you are looking for! That said, there are some perks to having one of these guys.

  • They don’t need much upkeep. However, it is crucial to ensure their habitat is set up correctly. Once you have everything in place, you won’t have to do much for your little companion on a daily basis.
  • They’re low energy. It’s probably safe to assume that your frog doesn’t have much on his agenda, aside from sitting around contemplating, well, we don’t know. Flies, maybe?
  • They can be fun to watch, at least to some extent. 
  • They’re easy keepers. Some just sit around doing nothing. 
  • They can be quite adorable.
  • Their habitats can be visually stunning.
  • They are also very inexpensive.
  • They also don’t require any training.
  • You won’t have to worry about your pet chewing your shoes or leaving hairballs on the rug.
  • Your frog will not need any training.
  • No need to go for walks.
  • Yet another fantastic benefit? The price is very reasonable. Setting up the habitat is the primary cost. All other tasks are typically done only once, with the exception of managing the power supply and replacing light bulbs.

What Are The Negatives Of Pet Frogs?

The primary concern is their potential to carry salmonella. It’s crucial to think about this if your child is asking for a frog. You’ll need to make sure that your child washes their hands carefully before and after interacting with their pet.

Some frogs need to eat live bugs, which might not be very appealing to those who are on the squeamish side. They also aren’t exactly famous for their social skills. While some are absolutely adorable, others appear to simply lounge around without a care in the world like, well, a bump on a log.

Longevity is definitely something worth considering. Frogs can have quite diverse lifespans. Some can live up to 20 years!

How Are Toads and Frogs Different?

Many individuals learn about this topic in school, but it often fades from memory. All toads are a type of frog, but not all frogs are toads. Frogs usually live in or near water, while toads are better suited to living on land. Toads also have bumps on their skin.

Why Is Saving Frogs So Important?

Every living being—even those we may not particularly favor, like mosquitos—plays a crucial role in their respective environments. Frogs are truly remarkable creatures that have a crucial role in our ecosystem. They consume billions of insects every year and serve as a source of food for other animals.

In recent years, the frog has taken on a much more important role by serving as an indicator species for the health of their natural habitats.

What Are Good Beginner Frogs?

Doing thorough research before getting any pet is extremely important. It’s worth noting that frogs vary pretty significantly when it comes to things like diet, habitat, and longevity. Ask your St. Cloud, MN vet for tips.

That said, here are some good starter frogs:

The Gray Tree Frog

A small, nocturnal creature the Gray Tree Frog doesn’t need much attention. It also does not require a specific humidity or temperature, although it does benefit from UVB rays. It has a diverse array of dietary preferences, but it does prefer its lunch still moving.

The American Bullfrog

The largest frog in North America, Jeremiah can reach an impressive length of eight inches. He is a truly remarkable jumper, capable of covering up to six feet in a single bound! This particular frog can be a bit challenging to care for. You’ll need to offer a semi-aquatic habitat, which will need to be cleaned on a daily basis.

The Pixie Frog

Contrary to what its name might suggest, the Pixie frog is actually one of the largest frogs in the world. In fact, they are ranked second biggest out of all the frogs. (The Goliath frog takes the lead here: it can grow to be over a foot long.) The Pixie frog can reach a maximum size of ten inches. It’s worth mentioning that these animals need fairly large habitats. However, they are quite resilient and generally require minimal maintenance. With proper care, these adorable creatures have the potential to live up to 20 years. 

The Amazon Milk Frog

These super cute tree frogs display a lovely blend of brown and white hues, accentuated by stylish blue feet. They get their name from the milky substance they release from their backs when they feel threatened. They get to be quite large, measuring as much as five inches in size. They do need a suitable enclosure of moderate size, which should be maintained at a consistent temperature range of 70 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. 

It might be worth considering getting more than one Amazon milk frog, as they are very sociable.

The PacMan Frog

This popular frog comes from Argentina and acquired his nickname because of his large mouth. Their vibrant colors, somewhat grumpy appearance, and unwavering love for food make them particularly captivating. They thrive in a moderately humid environment and do have specific lighting requirements. It’s important to keep in mind that they prefer live food.

The White’s Tree Frog

The White’s tree frog is a favorite among new frog owners because of its compact size and easy care needs. This little guy is capable of enduring a wide range of temperatures, but it tends to perform exceptionally well within the optimal range of around 75 to 85 degrees. They have a calm and pleasant attitude, and are also super cute!

Of course, whichever kind of frog you’re interested in, you should research it thoroughly and get specific care instructions from your veterinarian. As the saying goes, Look Before You Leap!

Can Frogs Get Bored?

Let’s be real; frogs aren’t exactly the most active creatures. However, even the most easygoing pet still needs some form of entertainment. Establishing a captivating atmosphere is essential. Your pet will have a great time exploring branches, cozy hidey holes, and the beautiful greenery of safe plants and leaves. For specific advice, talk to your vet.

How Will I Know If My Frog Is Sick?

Determining whether your froggy friend is ill can be challenging for someone who is not experienced with reptile care. Frogs can be affected by various illnesses, including parasites, viruses, chlamydiosis, thiamine deficiency, fungal diseases, mycobacteriosis, metabolic bone disease, and obesity. There are several symptoms to watch out for, such as loss of appetite, withdrawal, low energy, prolapses, changes in skin color or lesions, and changes in droppings. Each species of frog has its own unique characteristics, so you’ll ask your St. Cloud, MN veterinarian for particular guidance.

What’s A Fun Frog Joke?

What is it about frogs that brings them such joy?  They eat whatever bugs them!

Schedule An Appointment At Our St. Cloud, Mn Animal Clinic!

Do you have any inquiries regarding the care of frogs? Don’t hesitate to contact us, your St. Cloud, MN animal clinic, whenever you need assistance. We are here to help!

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