
Prioritizing appointments amid the Stay-at-Home order

We are here for you and for your pets.  However, please know that some of what we’re able to do at this time has changed based on Gov. Tim Walz’s executive order signed Monday afternoon in an effort to reduce transmission of COVID-19.

As of March 24, we’ll prioritize certain appointments, such as emergencies and/or if your pet is in pain or sick. There are many examples — ear infections, vomiting or bladder infections, for instance. Any timely tests that are needed to manage chronic health conditions, such as Cushing’s or Addison’s disease, will be scheduled as well. We’ll also help pets pass peacefully, if and when, euthanasia is needed.

We’ve been ordered to suspend certain elective surgeries to conserve our supply of PPE or personal protective equipment. We need to do our part to keep human medical professionals equipped. Doing the right thing now means that we can continue to be here for your pets when you need us. If you have a yearly wellness exam or other routine appointment to schedule, give us a call and we’ll work with you on timing.

We remain committed to keeping you safe and to being there for the pets in our community. As always, don’t hesitate to reach us if you have any questions! 320-252-6700

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